Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Robomeck RPG: Fortune and Experience Points and Skills

Robomeck RPG Index

Using Fortune (FP) and Experience Points (XP) In Play
Characters and important NPC’s can cheat fate by using Fortune Points.  Under the below listed conditions, an FP can be played to avoid damage and make skill and ability rolls successful without any penalty.  Additionally, Characters (but not NPC’s) out of FP can use Experience Points (XP) in the same manner.  However, the use of XP comes with Ref-decided consequences, which could be permanent for the Character.

Fortune Points (FP)
Players roll up FP when generating their Character.  The number of FP they have goes up as they increase in level.  This is the number of FP that a Character has access to in a non-combat turn or a combat encounter.  Their FP refresh after at least 1 turn of rest.  FP can be used after the results of a damage roll are known.  (To move the game along in any RPG, you really should be rolling attacks and damage at the same time.)  Important NPC’s will be assigned their FP by the Ref, either randomly rolled or given a number. 

It is recommended that Players always keep one FP or XP available in a fight to save themselves, either to eject or to recover from deadly damage.  Blowing a saving roll in a lethal situation will kill your Character.  There’s no Wishes or Raise Dead in this game.  

FP can be used to change fate under these conditions
May be used to make a skill use a success.
May be used to make a physical feat a success.
May be used to make a Saving Throw successful. 
May be used to make a hit by an enemy a miss. 
May be used to call upon Fortuitous Coincidence, such as finding needed minor equipment or some minor bit of necessary help.  (Not the cavalry showing up, see below.)

FP cannot be used for
Any Social Interaction rolls.  No fudging when asking the idol singer out for a date.
To make an attack roll in a combat encounter a success.   
To increase damage caused.
To decrease damage taken.
In other words, you can decide to use FP after damage is rolled, but you can’t alter the amount of damage.

Experience Points (XP)    
When a Character runs out of FP, they can exchange their unused XP to change their fate under the same rules as FP.  Only XP that hasn’t been used to raise the Character's current level may be used.  The Ref does have the option of narrating complications from the use of XP (such as unconsciousness, left for dead and captured, weapon broken, or even permanent ability decreases).  Use of XP does allow for one special type of fate changing that may be used even if the Characters have FP left. 

● XP may be used to call upon Outrageous Good Fortune.  This option may only be used once per adventure session for the entire group.  This would be for times such as a possible TPK or other such catastrophes.  The group is saved by reinforcements, a miraculous event, or a sudden change of strategy by the enemy.  This should definitely come with complications of a long-lasting sort, but not necessarily bad, just overly interesting. 

Example: The group is saved while making a last stand and suddenly become heroes with tons of publicity.  Social parasites suddenly graft onto them.  High command knows that they actually screwed up, but is only promoting them for PR purposes and won’t give them any more good missions until they prove themselves.  Alternately, command thinks they’re more competent than they are and starts sending them on virtual suicide missions. 

Roll 1d20.  Add appropriate ability modifier (or addition of modifiers divided).  Add 1/2 level if the Character has it as a trained skill.  Add in additional modifiers if more than one Character is attempting the task (if allowed).  Match or beat the Difficulty Class (DC) number: Hard task DC 12, Very Hard task DC 18.  These are suggested target numbers.  The Ref may pick DC numbers in between based on the situation.  Don't roll for simple tasks (below DC 12) and anything above DC 18 should be ruled impossible. 

Untrained skills, namely Stealth, Detection, Climb, and Acrobatics, can attempted by any Character.  However, only Characters that with those skills listed can add ½ level to their ability scores, and thus improve at them.  Trained skills, such as Lockpicking and First Aid, cannot be used by the untrained.

Physical Feats: Pick an appropriate ability and add the bonus to the DC roll. Examples: force door (Str), snatching something out of mid air (Dex), resist cold, fire, smoke (Con).  If appropriate, additional assisting characters may add +1 to the roll, if they have a bonus in the ability.

(Int + Wis)/2: Detection (Traps, ambushes), Find (Secret doors and items).  If a group is heading into an ambush or looking for something, have the Character with the highest chance making the roll.  Add +1 to the roll per additional Character, if they have more than +1 for the skill.  Figure DC 12 for an amateur ambush and DC 18 for an expert ambush.

(Dex + Wis)/2: Stealth (Hiding, sneaking) This skill doesn’t work when using mecka, period, even just Typhoon mecka armor.  Figure DC 12 for opponents in a relaxed, unaware state, DC 18 for opponents on alert.  For a group, whoever has the highest Stealth rating rolls for everyone.  Anyone with more than +1 in the skill can add +1 to the roll.  However, anyone in the group that has a negative Wis mod must roll a DC 12 Will Sv to successfully hide.  Anyone with a negative Dex mod must make a DC 12 Ref sv to successfully sneak.

Note: For Detection and Stealth, the Characters always make the roll, not their opponents.  The Player Characters either Detect an opponent trying to use Stealth on them or attempt Stealth against an opponent.

(Dex + Str)/2: Acrobatics (Balancing, jumping), Climb  

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