Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Robomeck RPG: Mecka Combat-MAC, MHP, MD and Sequence, Initiative

Robomeck RPG Index


Mecka Armor Class, Mecka Hit Points, and Mecka Damage
Realistically (discussing realism in a tabletop RPG is absurdist I realize), some weapons aren’t going to affect some types of craft.  Certainly bullets aren’t going to do any good against a tank.  With that in mind and some skepticism, mecka and various normal vehicles and aircraft will have Mecka Hit Points (MHP) and Mecka Armor Class (MAC).  High-powered weapons will do Mecka Damage (M).  This will represent a shorthand of sorts for craft that may be generally invulnerable to hand-held weapons and for weapons that are capable of damaging those craft.

The base value Mecka Armor Class represents a mecka’s potential agility, armor, and ECM (electronic countermeasures).  The full MAC value is the base + pilot Dex + ½ pilot level for most mecka.  Certain slower, bulkier mecka may only have a base value or negate the pilot’s Dex.  It’s the mecka’s ability to avoid taking a hit or ability to survive one.  Mecka Hit Points work like Character Hit Points.  A mecka is fully functional until it runs out.  At 0 or less MHP, the mecka will cease to function, perhaps even exploding altogether. 

Figure that normal cars and even certain weak spots on mecka at rest (not moving) are vulnerable to normal gunfire.  However, it’s going to take a hail of gunfire to stop a car (unless you make a called shot on the tires or the driver) and a mecka is likely only going to be slightly disabled (unless you perhaps make a called shot on the cockpit with a high-powered firearm).  It is at the Ref’s discretion how effective such attacks would be.  (I’m not going to break down every possibility on every mecka.)  So while regular damage might damage some types of craft with Mecka Hit Points and Mecka Armor in certain weak spots, it’s going to take a Mecka damage weapon to actually bring them down.

There are Personal Armor options that have an M-rating for damage.  However, the wearer is not invulnerable to normal damage.  They can take a good hit, but anything over that in a rd causes damage to the wearer.  Details are listed in the Mecka section.

Mecka Combat Sequence
The mecka firing the longest range weapons will fire first.
Mecka with Surprise will have a free rd to attack.  Craft with long range radar support (like an Eagle Eye craft or ground radar) will not likely be surprised. 
Air mecka attacking ground mecka will have initiative over them when within range of their weapons.
For combatants within mutual combat range, the mecka with the highest mecka speed rating goes next.
Mecka Pilots with enhanced Dex ratings (+3 and +4) will go next.  Do a roll off between combatants with the same Dex rating with a d20.  No ties.
For the rest of the mecka involved in combat, do a roll off with between them for the next in order with a d20.  No ties.  For simplicity, groups of similar opponents could share the same roll.

Attack Phase
The attacker rolls 1d20 + BAB + Dex.  The roll is compared to the defender’s MAC.  If the attack roll is equal to or greater than the MAC, the defender is hit.  Unlike other D20 games, Natural 1’s and 20’s are not automatic misses and hits.  See the Missile Section for further details.

For energy and projectile weapons and single missiles, just roll the listed damage value.  For missiles fired in a volley (more than one), extra damage is scored depending on the missile type and number of missiles fired.  Damage is subtracted from a craft’s MHP.  At 0 MHP, the craft is destroyed and the pilot may or may not survive (see below).   

FP and XP

Characters and important NPC’s who have FP may choose to use them here to negate any damage taken from the attack.  Characters out of FP might use their XP, but there will be Ref-decided consequences for doing so. 

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